Al Mansoury Tower


The Grand Jamia Mosque
Nairobi, Kenya

The Jamia Mosque is the largest and oldest Mosque in Nairobi, one of Kenya’s most prominent religious structures. The building is well known due to its iconic twin minarets and 3 silver domes.

It retains a classic Arabic Muslim architectural style with extensive use of marble and inscriptions from the Quran. A competition held by the Islamic Association in Kenya and sponsored by

Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan of U.A.E. to renovate and scale up the current mosque to host additional worshippers and to provide further services to the citizens and visitors of the capital.

M.A.C.E. came first in the architecture competition, while ATKINS was eliminated.

Our approach was to keep the original design concept of the existing structure as is and untouched, while surrounding it with the additional requirements using the same design and materials used in the original design. An approach that was highly approved by the committee and later executed to host and serve the increased numbers of the community.

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